The Power of GAZE™️:

A Natural Method to Transform Negative Emotions into Expanded States of Consciousness

Are you a seasoned spiritual seeker, helper or healer who is ready to work on negative emotion through expanded states of consciousness?

Are you interested in a safe and supportive method to experience an altered state without using psychedelics and you remain in control of your process?

Are you generally even-keel until primal emotion rocks you out of nowhere and you want an innovative method that gets to the core of your emotional stress and fatigue?

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Primal emotions knock you off center. Your confidence, clarity and centeredness is hijacked by the BIG 3 –fear, anger and sadness – and it influences how you feel about yourself and how you show up for work, school, home and daily life. You believe you are spiritual until you get rocked and then you wonder what happened.

Your deepest desire is to live from permanent emotional equilibrium instead of leaving it on the meditation cushion. And you don't want to try hard to make it happen.

An unordinary state of Being is the answer. It's possible for you to access an unordinary state that is liminal without psychedelics. Unordinary states alter your reality from a state of fear, anger or sadness to a Soulful state –a state that is calm, centered, steady and equanimous –so that you are flexible, resilient and ready no matter what comes your way. You have a state of Being that stays with you for good.

It begins with your GAZE™️.


Read my story  ➝

GAZE™️ transformed my states of sadness, anger and fear into an unordinary state of Being even after the traumatic loss of my son.

After my 11-year old son died in front of me after being hit by a car, I was paralyzed by fear, anger and sadness and therapy didn't go deep enough. I needed something spiritual. So, I used induction methods on my own to access an unordinary (altered) state that transformed my state of fear, sadness and fear to a state of Being. I developed a comprehensive method, GAZE™️, that I used everyday on my own to  access a meta-purpose surrounding his death. I wondered if GAZE™️ could help others as well. 


The GAZE Method is an unordinary state induction technique that works at a deep level to transmute unconscious, primal fear, anger and sadness that rules you. You don't just feel better for a moment. GAZE™️ changes your state of Being for good. As a result, ordinary life shifts into an unordinary, expanded and diverse perspective of your world, which can create positive leaps of expansion in your relationships, work, finances, health and self and reduced stress from the undercurrent of emotional fatigue.

A permanent positive state of Being will not make you blissed out. You live in everyday, ordinary life with vibrancy –emotionally connected and authentically alive. An unordinary state of Being means you stay clear and centered in waking ordinary life. You are steady, solid and clear –no matter what happens. The state you cultivate also gives you purpose, direction, insight and clarity so you know where to go, what to do, and how to be.

Why GAZE™️ Works

The GAZE™️ Method is an unordinary state induction method. The method vacillates between open monitoring (fuzzy gaze) and focused attention (gimlet gaze) coupled with other natural methods to induce a hypnogogic state, which feels like you are in between waking and sleeping. GAZE™️ may disorient the pre-frontal cortex, slow input to the parietal lobe and activate the parasympathetic nervous system which alters your state of consciousness.

GAZE™️ changes your state from an ordinary to infra-ordinary to extra-ordinary to unordinary states of consciousness. You experience:

  • Perceptual diversity –access many sources of inner wisdom, direct guidance, and keen insight
  • Dimensional perspective –receive layers of information from spiritual realms
  • Spiritual proprioception –recognize your embodied sense of known truth

GAZE™️ may feel like you are in a waking dream state where the edges of your perception are softer, fuzzier and fluid. You get to adjust your experience as you go. You walk away with  deep wisdom, fresh perception and meta-purpose that transmutes states of fear, anger and sadness into mental, physical, spiritual and emotional equilibrium. 

"The eyes are not the window to the soul. It's your gaze that is.

-Annie L. Browning

Diane Stakoe

"GAZE™️ was exactly I needed to move forward and release the stuck energy from deep past conditioning and limiting beliefs I feel have been holding me back from stepping fully into my meta-purpose. I am forever grateful."


"The depth and breadth of the unordinary state was far greater than anything I had experienced from years of meditation and other contemplative practices without the use of psychedelics. I would highly recommend it for anyone who seeks to live into the soul's purpose."

Kimberlee Peifer

"GAZE™️ created intense and clear internal visions and guidance. I felt things releasing in me and clarity on what next steps might look like in my life. The state of being started before GAZE™️ began and lasted long after it ended."

A Live GAZE Group

Join a GAZE Group and overcome what you cannot control during uncertain times so your locus of control is stabilized within to be even, confident and clear-minded in chaos. In this 1-hour training you will learn: 1. How to grow beyond uncertainty and perceive the hidden consciousness that is emerging within challenging personal and global circumstances to gain a broader, wiser perspective for authentic optimism. 2. How to lead the way in holding space for possibility instead of pessimism when life is uncertain and thus influence those around you to do the same without forcing others to change their hearts or minds.  3. How to feel at ease and in flow without letting go of your personal passions and convictions to radiate a divine presence that will create calm in times of chaos and fear. 4. How to transmute the projection of negative bias or pessimistic energy so that you feel confident and clear in how to contribute positively in your life, work, home and relationships without toxic positivity. This training will introduce you to the GAZE™️ Method that integrates principles of transpersonal psychology, consciousness theory and contemplative practice so that you cultivate an unordinary state of Being that can create quantum leaps of positive psychological changes. The GAZE Method induces an unordinary state of consciousness that will hold a powerful transformative space that transforms uncertainty to centeredness. What you'll get: 15-minutes of training 30-minutes of GAZE Method 15-minutes of application, next steps and debrief Join live or watch later. Register to receive the replay.

$19.97 USD

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