From Alone to All-One:

A Day Retreat to Overcome Isolation and Increase Interconnection so that You Know You Are Never Alone Again

in Hadensville, Virginia

October 18th, 2024

Join The Retreat

"A retreat experience with Annie is simply magical. Being in a mystical landscape supported me to access a Fullness within me that expanded and deepened my soul growth significantly. Annie coached me and supported me to engage in a spiritual experience that was exceptional and one that I took back home with me."

–Cindy Jennings


Dear Friends,

Over my lifespan, I’ve had 3 sudden spiritual awakenings –each led to periods of intense isolation. The first occurred at age 20 when in response to trauma, I experienced a rapid spiritual expansion that resulted in dropping out of college, living in a studio apartment alone, and waking at 4 am each morning to work in a bakery. It was a modern-day monastic life –full of contemplation and sparse in social contact at an age in which I was supposed to be living my best life in college.

I was terrified of being alone.

The second occurred in my late-30s when 6 red-tailed hawks roosted in a tree in our urban backyard, stayed for 10 days, and left entrailed ‘gifts’ of mice on my doorstep. Each day I went out and told them I was listening to their intended message. Shortly afterward, I experienced a spiritual expansion as my clairvoyance opened rapidly, and I began to see spiritually in living colors. I resisted spiritual expansion full tilt to the point in which I developed a temporary muscle disorder, and I was unable to move for 2 weeks. I slowly accepted the spiritual movement that was moving me, which resulted in leaving my job as a minister at the peak of my parochial career. I lost my spiritual community and faith network and hunkered down for a year of solitary spiritual reflection.

I was afraid of being alone again.

The third occurred after the sudden, traumatic death of my 11-year-old son. In the aftermath that followed, I was immobilized and isolated again, racked by the pain and grief of loss. I closed down my practice as a spiritual guide, including the regular soulful connections with my clients and colleagues. I left our urban community network to move across the country to be closer to family –back to a rural community and family system I had not lived in since 18. In the year that followed his death, I spent hours wandering the woods, valleys, and nooks of our farm, deep in silence and solitude, longing for real connection while knowing the limited capacity I had to be present with anyone beyond myself.

This time I knew I could survive and thrive being alone.

Spiritual expansion can lead to social retraction.

You are not alone if you feel like you live on a spiritual island in a sea of secularity.

I learned to love the seasons of solitude; however, they were painful in the moment. Three downloads came to me during each expansion that helped me navigate solitude with gratitude instead of gritting through it. First, I stopped looking for the relational connections I expected and started looking for the connections that I least anticipated. Instead of looking backward, I looked ahead at the edge of what was emergent. Second, I practiced the principle of transience; I repeated aloud, “This too shall pass.” I leaned into the temporal nature of space, time, and self and focused on staying absolutely present in the peopleless season of my life. Third, I manifested the relational connections I deeply desired from my heart, mind, and soul. I believed the seemingly impossible –that I could relate to people soulfully without reducing my soul’s essence.

A new community took shape all around me –in the form of a relational matrix of interconnection.

From the solitude, a matrix began to fill in all around me. Like a lacey spider web, twisted tree roots, geometric snowflakes, or stars in a constellation, the spiritual expansion filled in connect-the-dots of interconnection between me and many spiritual beings—both here in human form and beyond in numinous form. My matrix included serendipitous connections with friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances that each offered me micro-spiritual moments that spoke to my soul. My matrix included spiritual guides, ancestors, elementals, spirit animals, and energies that gave me a sacred reciprocity of soulful connection. I began to see, sense, know, and feel my tribe all around me that regularly reminded me of 2 truths. 

First, I was never alone, to begin with, and I would never be alone again. Second, by being alone, I was interconnectedly all-one. I discovered a matrix of real relationships.

The world is changing rapidly as we navigate a paradigm shift. Political, social, spiritual, and economic forecasts predict the coming years will include significant upheaval and uncertainty. Now is the time to relationship-proof your well-being, including your capacity for resiliency, flexibility, and agency amid change, by getting your tribe in place. Now is the moment to find your people and create interconnection to fortify the mind, body, and soul…and prepare for your spiritual future.

Notice what you need most at this moment. Is there a deep yearning in your heart, a calling in your soul, an ache in your body for real community? Heed what you need. Take time this Fall to find your tribe. They are waiting for you!

With love,


"I spend the majority of my time focused on my business, my family and my responsibilities as a leader, mother, wife, grandmother and friend. During a retreat with Annie I am present to myself, my spirit and nature. I can quiet my mind and hear my own inner wisdom. Learning through experiential practices in connection with nature has resulted in deep and lasting change in how I show up in the world. I’ve been on retreat with Annie in Ireland, France, Colorado and Virginia and I am always in awe of her beautiful retreat experiences. These retreats are a priority for my growth and nurturing my soul." 

– GG Johnston

The Magic of a Relational Matrix

There is an alive, dimensional matrix around you that contains essential wisdom beyond your human mind. Think of it like a mind outside of your mind. Like a cloud-based system, it’s a field of information that includes data points about your meta-self, story, space, time, and mind.

It's a space that holds a matrix of information all about you.

When you tap into or dowse this field, you access quantum information that goes beyond physical reality. When you connect with this matrix, you also discover your expanded tribe –your people –both in the physical world and the great beyond.

You discover a tribe who never leaves you and so you are not afraid anymore.

This is why you now need a matrix to thrive spiritually, whereas before, you may have felt complete in one relationship, a church community, social circle, or family unit. As you spiritually level up, so does your network. You need a complete, filled-out grid of interconnection that includes dimensional realms of support to provide good, deep, and meaningful relationships.

Your relational matrix is not life mapping or vision boarding or mandala-making.

When you gather in a soulful group for a particular spiritual purpose, the information field is activated, and it becomes a relational group field. You can think of it like you have a specific relational matrix around you that is intersecting with a bigger matricial field that is infinite. Kind of like nesting dolls, you open layer upon layer of relational matrices that communicate with one another, and thus, you create relational bonds that are spiritual in nature.

You enter this relational matrix in real time in an unordinary state and then receive what you see, know, feel or sense.

Your relational matrix will fill in the gaps of your tribe in all forms so that you know who to call on, how to reciprocally relate, what your soul most needs, and how to use the matrix when you feel most alone. You get a network that accurately reflects your spiritual expansion and soul growth.

What makes this retreat unique is three-fold: 

The sacred space does the work so you don't have to.

You agree to enter a liminal, alive matrix of interconnection and focus on allowing, releasing, and receiving. You travel into your relational matrix in an unordinary state. Because you are fully in the matrix, you are also in a manifesting state, which increases the probability of human connections becoming real.

An Unordinary state is full of ordinary people.

Unordinary states give you the information you need. You use 3 induction methods to enter an unordinary (altered, liminal, mystical) state that shows you exactly what you need to see, hear, know, and sense. You perceive your matrix in living color so that it comes to life in a way that is embodied and real.

A magical matrix goes home with you into everyday life.

You know who is with you when you leave the retreat, so you will take home real community. Many retreats end with feel-good feelings that vanish when you go back to everyday life. You get both human and spiritual connections to draw on when you feel lonely and isolated.  

Here's an added bonus... You will gather in a sacred space with a soulful group who are purposefully on a spiritual path. You will be surprised at the natural connections that form in one day! 

"My experience [at the retreat] was eye opening. I met many wonderful, kind and courageous like minded people. You will have to attend to get the full effect of what will transpire for you. It was enlightening! It was mystical!

–N. M.

What You Can Expect in Each Retreat Session

The Challenge: Overcoming the Correlation Between Spiritual Expansion and Existential Loneliness

Here’s what we’ll cover together:

  • Separate the link between spiritual-existential inquiry and loneliness in your life; you can ask deep questions without dwelling in a deep hole.
  • Consider a sacred question about your home, life or work so you can get the guidance you need from the relational matrix.
  • Engage as a community so you show up at the day retreat comfortable, relaxed and ready to go.

The Separation: Releasing Your Expectations About What You Need to Be Connected

Here’s what we’ll cover together:

  • Transcend limited beliefs that prevent you from connection using an unordinary state work for healing.
  • Suspend expectations about what may show up so that you follow the expansion opportunities in real-time.
  • Follow what is releasing karmically, ancestrally, epigenetically, and dimensionally so that you are an open channel to manifest your matrix.

The Potential: Manifesting New Neural Interconnections and Actualizing Your Relational Matrix 

Here’s what we’ll cover together:

  • Experience the power of pure spiritual connection in an unordinary state so you can identify who and what is showing up in your matrix and you never feel alone again.
  • Chart your matrix with the support of a partner so you have an alive, colorful, and dynamic metaphor to take with you
  • Track what is arriving in your matrix regarding seen/unseen partnerships in the physical, natural, and spiritual matrices so you can develop lasting reciprocal relationships.

The Calibration: Activating the Power of Your Matrix to Sustain the Connection You Need

Here’s what we’ll cover together:

  • Share and reflect on what has emerged since the retreat, including its meaning and application to your life.
  • Activate your relational matrix and also noticing any points of collapse that need recalibration so the retreat experience stays alive.
  • Solidify the one step that you will take to keep your matrix relevant and applicable.

"What I found [at the retreat] was a welcoming and receptive space to hold with intention. I felt safe to let down my barriers, shed tears, feel the release and clearing and receive guidance in a way that was there to me."

 –Blakelee M.

Get the Benefits of 2 Bonuses...

How to Get Help from the Spiritual Realms:

3 Strategies to Get the Signs and Signals You Need for Spiritual Support

Do you second guess that the spiritual realms are real? Do they seem alive in a spiritual experience and then go away? Do you ask for spiritual signs and signals of their presence and then nothing happens? Master 3 basic strategies to ask, receive and interpret spiritual help and get the signs you need to keep the faith, especially when your mind says you are making it all up.

Mum’s Not the Word:

4 Ways to Stay Engaged in Small Talk Without Lowering Your Spiritual Vibration

Ever since you awakened spiritually, have you become a wallflower? Do you avoid small talk like the plague? Do you feel a lump in your throat when you have to talk about the weather? Apply these four methods to stay connected with the world without becoming a hermit, strike up real conversations when you are out and about, and even informally chat it up with others without joining denser, egoic vibrations that can deplete and drain you.

My Commitment to You

Welcome, I'm Annie! I am a spiritual teacher, a psychotherapist, and an intuitive. I am here in this world to hold and amplify an alive and dynamic matrix of interconnection that can positively change your life. When you work with me, you enter a powerful landscape of transformation that invites you to release limitations and access a state of Being within you. The gift is that it's not about 'doing' anything. You enter a portal of possibility when you say 'yes' at this retreat that creates a sacred interchange of that is numinous, magical and ineffable. You will begin to see shifts unfold in your life without any effort. Your 'yes' is the key to unlocking the matrix of possibility through your gaze.

Join the Retreat

Here's What You'll Receive at the Retreat

  • 1 90-minute Pre-Retreat Session 
  • 2, 2-hour in-person Day Retreat Sessions with Channeled Teachings and the GAZE Matrix Method
  • 1 90-minute Post-Retreat Session 
  • Snacks & Refreshments
  • Recreational Opportunities 
  • Retreat Materials and Supplies
  • Retreat Bonuses for Integration and Application

Get the Benefit of Bonuses

  • How to Get Help from the Spiritual Realms: 3 Strategies to Get the Signs and Signals You Need for Spiritual Support

  • Mum’s Not the Word: 4 Ways to Stay Engaged in Small Talk Without Lowering Your Spiritual Vibration

The Guarantee

I believe in the transformative power of this spiritual retreat and am confident that you will find the experience deeply rewarding. Your satisfaction and spiritual growth are my top priorities. If you are not completely satisfied with your experience at the retreat, I offer a money-back guarantee on the facilitation portion of your retreat fee only –not food, lodging or travel. 

Come Alone or

Bring a Spiritual Friend or Partner

Invite someone special to join you at the retreat or come alone with the expectation for new connections! The retreat will include unordinary state work in pairs, so consider asking someone you know to join you!

“In this age of growing interconnectedness, we understand that turning our backs on the world is simply not an option.” Douglas Alexander

Tom O.

"I have been on a journey to discover my true self. Annie has been instrumental in helping me get to the core of who I am and how I show up in my life. She is not only a gifted transformational leader but also an incredible intuitive guide. She has helped me to understand that I am so much more than just my reflection in the mirror. Through the methods she teaches and the retreats she offers, I have discovered how to be comfortable with who I am and how I show up in all aspects of my life."

Ann S.

"The retreat with Annie was a wonderful way to reconnect with myself. My experience was not the same as the others, but during the experience I was able to connect with myself, my beliefs, and remember a lot of things I had forgotten from life. I met wonderful people, different points of view, and more specially, visit sites that I would have never even known they existed if it wasn’t for this trip. It gave me a reset in my daily routine, and it fed my soul with Annie’s guidance, kindness, and love. I can’t wait for my next retreat to keep on growing not only personally but most importantly, spiritually."

Marty L.

"The quiet and beauty of the venue was a perfect backdrop for a powerful and magical retreat. Annie masterfully wove the magic and history of the area into the experience. The time and space we had each day to learn and reflect – whether alone or connecting with others – was important. The things I learned, and the insights I gained, are still with me. Annie has a special way and is an exceptional teacher. I look forward to the next retreat and to continuing this work."

Loneliness is Temporary. Spiritual Relationships Last.

The pandemic hit us hard. Loneliness was declared a public health endemic in 2023, and 30% of American adults report feeling lonely every week. 50% of adults choose to distract themselves with technology to mask loneliness. Distraction doesn’t work. Numbing with technology increases isolation. Spirituality is associated with a reduction in loneliness and an increase in positive coping mechanisms and overall well-being. We are not meant to live alone. Spiritual relationships reduce loneliness.

My Promise to You

I believe in the transformative power of this spiritual retreat and are confident that you will find the experience deeply rewarding. Your satisfaction and spiritual growth are my top priorities. If you are not completely satisfied with your experience at the retreat, I offer a money-back guarantee on the facilitation portion of your retreat fee only –not food, lodging or travel. 

Stay updated on social with me.