Good Things

Jun 05, 2024
Annie L. Browning
Good Things

We’ve been reflecting together on spiritual transcendence—growing beyond yourself, space, time, story, and mind. During our live transcendence event, one participant asked a great question about what we do with the good things—positive memories, events, people, and circumstances in our lives. What about spiritually transcending the good?

In response, I’ve channeled an audio teaching for this week about transcending good things. Take a few moments to listen in your car on the way to work, while cooking dinner, during a walk, or just when you need a 5-minute reset. 

You’ll learn 2 key benefits to letting go of the good things, which is a paradox. We believe that holding on to the good things will bring us more good in our life. Holding the good with lightness, openness and ease can bring us what we most long for –hope, gratitude, joy, and appreciation for the little good things that come our way each day.

Join me in letting go of the good to make space for the greater good for us all… especially for you!

With love, Annie


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