How 1 hour per week will give you back 156 per year. Sep 26, 2024


Does the thought of another thing to do make you more anxious? You are already stressed and strained as it is.

Some studies show that people spend an average of 3 hours per week worrying or...

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Have You Held Space and Nothing Happens? Aug 18, 2024

Many spiritual traditions reflect that life experiences, including our relationships, are too big for us to hold on our own. We cannot hold space for another person all by ourselves. Believing we...

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He's Not Spiritual...But I Am. What to Do? Aug 18, 2024

A series of events pushed me into an unexpected spiritual path. I was visited by red-tailed hawks, suddenly awakened into clairvoyance, and sharply pivoted away from my church community. The faith...

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Annie L. Browning
Reset Your Reality
Reset Your Reality Jul 12, 2024

The summer season is an opportunity to reset your reality and get a fresh take on your life. Take a moment with me this Sunday morning to reset with an ESC (Expanded State of...

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Annie L. Browning
What is happening in the world?
What is happening in the world? Jun 28, 2024

Dear Friends,

You may feel as though the world's very nature is rapidly changing. What you knew to be steady, solid, and sure is shifting beneath your feet. You are not alone. ...

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Find your Footing in the Unknown Jun 05, 2024

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I sat in a doctor's waiting room and overheard two friends chatting about the state of the world. I braced myself for a tirade of politics. Instead, I heard one of...

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Annie L. Browning
4 Steps for Spiritual Transcendence
4 Steps for Spiritual Transcendence Jun 05, 2024

Thank you for journeying with me through this Spiritual Transcendence series as we’ve learned how to grow beyond a limitation and transcend space, time, self, story and mind. My hope is that...

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Annie L. Browning
Good Things
Good Things Jun 05, 2024

We’ve been reflecting together on spiritual transcendence—growing beyond yourself, space, time, story, and mind. During our live transcendence event, one participant asked a great...

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Shapeshift Space Jun 05, 2024

Many of you may remember the first images of the Earth taken from the moon in 1966. Others may just know that iconic photo that altered how our world understood the universe. Over the...

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Annie L. Browning
Live Beyond Your Story.
Live Beyond Your Story. Jun 05, 2024

Why transcendence?

Beyond this big word is something we all long for—to live beyond the circumstances we believe hold us back. How often do you wonder what would happen if something...

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Annie L. Browning
Beyond Time: Unlocking Transcendence
Beyond Time: Unlocking Transcendence Jun 05, 2024

As we continue to focus on Transcendence, how to live beyond your limitations—growing beyond yourself, space, time, story, and mind, the words of Cher, “If I could turn back...

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