Have You Held Space and Nothing Happens?

Aug 18, 2024

Many spiritual traditions reflect that life experiences, including our relationships, are too big for us to hold on our own. We cannot hold space for another person all by ourselves. Believing we can ignores a fundamental truth. We can’t thrive without spiritual support. Yet, we face a dilemma as Euro-Western culture adheres to boot-strapping and shouldering the weight of others as a mantle of independence and individualism.


Perhaps it’s time to change the narrative. We can’t hold space for transformation alone. This is why we have to hold space in community.


I hope this offers a sigh of relief for you. Perhaps you have been shouldering the spiritual weight of a loved one for years or have taken on the task of wanting to awaken a loved one. It comes from a good heart, but it’s a heavy burden. 


This is what happens when we hold a person as a burden instead of holding the space. There is a difference between the two.


Holding space for transformation has these 4 traits:

  • Neutrality full of silence and stillness
  • Universal love that is undirected
  • Suspended intentions without outcome
  • Potentiality that is considered nonsensical


Holding the person for transformation has these 4 traits:

  • Emotional charge that is pointed and directed
  • Laden love full of past experiences
  • Predicated expectations without flexibility
  • Limited perception of what is possible


I’m the first to raise my hand that I have held more people than held sacred space. As a result, when we hold people, we hold a container full of transference instead of a container ripe with transformation..


I invite you to gather with me as a group and hold space for the relationships in our lives without holding the person. I have a new method to teach you to do just that. The GAZE Matrix uses 3 induction methods (eyes, breath, word) so that you enter an unordinary state of Being that holds space without effort. Because you are in an unordinary state of Being, the mind releases the need to hold the person and can relax into the sacred surround of holding space. 


You may wonder how to know when you are holding space from an unordinary state. It’s a different feeling and you usually feel like you are doing ‘nothing.’


Holding space on behalf of someone can feel like:

  • You aren’t doing enough for someone you love deeply.
  • You aren’t making any concerted effort for them to change.
  • You aren’t perceiving anything directly to do for them.


That’s the point. You may feel as though you are holding nothing, which is the very thing that may finally give way for the relationship to transform.


Join me on August 23rd for a GAZE Matrix Group and hold sacred space on behalf of those you love the most –including yourself. Allow the power of sacred space to create spiritual relationships on your behalf, which can include shifting dynamics, activating potential, and easing burdens.


Discover how holding space can do more than word or action and create a lasting spiritual connection.


With gratitude,




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